Expanding Mobile EHE HIV Interventions for COVID-19 Vaccination and STD/HCV Testing for PWID in Baltimore

Creation on pop-up mobile clinics, created in partnership with an established Syringe Support Program (SSP) and academic organizations, to provide one stop STI/HCV/HIV testing and COVID-19 vaccination for people experiencing substance use/homelessness, who have increased risks for these conditions.

Maintaining housing stability among PWH in the NY EMA during COVID-19

The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) exacerbated homelessness and housing instability. NY EMA Planning staff worked collaboratively to address homelessness as a driving force of poorer health outcomes for people living with HIV. This presentation will illustrate community planning processes for addressing housing-related barriers among RWHAP consumers during the PHE.

HIV Provider-led Reproductive Health Visits to Increase Contraception Counseling Among Persons with HIV

The percentage of people with HIV who could become pregnant and lacked designated form of contraception rose from 13 percent to 22.5 percent between April 2020-April 2021 in our Southeastern RWHAP clinic. We developed a reproductive health visit to reduce the rate of those with no contraception plan from 22.5 percent to 17 percent by July 2022.