Is there a test mode to practice using TRAX?

Is there a test mode I can practice using TRAX before creating the final XML file for submission?

Running the TRAX application creates an XML file that can be uploaded to the RSR Web System and is not the same as uploading the client-level data file for RSR submission. If providers would like to, they can use the CHEX feature to check the quality of their data before running TRAX to ensure that their data will create a high-quality file.

Providers create an XML file from TRAX and save the file to a secure location on their computer. They then upload the XML file in the RSR Web System through the EHBs (Electronic Handbooks) to fulfill the client-level data file component of the Provider Report.

There is no limit to the number of times a TRAX user can run the application and create an XML file. When TRAX Is closed, any uploaded data are deleted. Uploading new folders overwrite the old data.

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